Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lighthouse Participates in DSB Supervised Internship Program

The Washington State Department of Services for the Blind (DSB) offers a Supervised Internship Program (SIP) through its Orientation and Training Center for blind and visually impaired individuals. Designed to provide Orientation and Training Center graduates with career choices and exposure, in addition to the blindness skills and confidence they develop, SIP places individuals in internship opportunities that meet their career interests.

Since the program’s inception in 2007, the Lighthouse has hosted internships for six SIP participants, including positions in manufacturing, accounting, administration, and a placement within our Braille Training Program and Computer Training Program. The Lighthouse’s Braille Training Program Instructor, Julie Brannon, is also employed by DSB and is the SIP Program Coordinator. SIP encourages confidence on the job for individuals loosing their vision or newly blind, and builds professional skills for individuals who have minimal work experience. The Lighthouse enjoys participating in the program and collaborating with DSB, providing the opportunity for individuals to utilize the professional skills they are learning in a workplace environment. Julie mentions that in addition to the Lighthouse, SIP internship providers also include but are not limited to King 5 News, the Washington Talking Book and Braille Library, Starbucks, the University of Washington, Seattle Central Community College, and the Seattle Housing Authority.

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