Monday, June 27, 2011

"Left at the Next Traffic Light" - by Lighthouse Braille Instructor Julie Brannon

The Inland Northwest Lighthouse Braille Rally from the Perspective of a Braille Reading Navigator

By Julie Brannon

The title is an example of driving directions that 19 navigators read from their braille driving directions to trusting drivers at the Inland Northwest Lighthouse Braille Rally, held Saturday, June 11th in Spokane, WA. Many of those drivers were members of the Porsche Club of America, Inland Northwest Region.

The purpose of the rally was two-fold, as a public awareness event for the Inland Northwest Lighthouse, and also, as a education tool for the public to understand the benefits and abilities of braille readers.

I don’t remember the day, but I do remember the excitement that I felt when Inland Northwest Lighthouse employee, Kevin Daniel, called to ask if I’d be interested in participating in the Braille Rally. As I hung up the phone, all that went through my mind, and I suspect many other navigators was, “Wow! A chance to be a back seat (or rather front seat) driver!”

The dynamics were fascinating. This was never verbalized, but I think my driver and other drivers were at first a bit weary trusting the braille directions that were being read, and I know I felt a load of responsibility acting as a human GPS, “what if I get my driver and myself totally lost?” As we wound around corners, and looked for some obscure streets, I began to not trust my reading when my driver would say, “that one I’m not familiar with.” You see, I had a veteran resident and driver who knew most of the streets and locations the route sent us on, so his very occasional lack of familiarity with a particular street made me question both myself and the braille printer. But, I continued to scrutinize the directions, being very sure that I was reading what was brailled, and guess what? We made it!

Excitement mounted as we passed every check point where white flags were waved. Checkpoint spotters stood by to mark down our arrival times at those check points.

As each car arrived back at the Inland Northwest Lighthouse parking lot, a flurry of cheers, shouting, bravos, and clapping could be heard all around.

By the time my driver and I got back to the finish line, it felt like the almost two hours spent together on this joint venture made us a real driving team. This was a day to remember, and for those of us navigating the cars, what a feeling of exhilaration to know we could actually direct a driver around a circuitous route.

Monday, June 13, 2011

United Blind of Seattle's Annual 'Friend Day'

On Saturday, June 18th, United Blind of Seattle will hold their annual Friend Day at the Washington Talking Book and Braille Library. United Blind of Seattle, a local chapter of the American Council of the Blind, holds their annual Friend Day for the sole purpose of introducing anyone who is interested to the local chapter affiliated with both the state and national organizations of the American Council of the Blind. Friend Day provides interaction with current members, snacks, presentations about all components of the organization, and a wonderful chance to understand why members see the American Council of the Blind as an important part of their lives. Friend Day is an open event for anyone and everyone who is interested in learning about the American Council of the Blind. Come join us!

When: Saturday, June 18th from 1:0opm-3:00pm

Where: Washington Talking Book and Braille Library, 2021 9th Avenue, Seattle Washington

For additional information, please contact Julie Brannon at 206-547-7444 or email

Monday, June 6, 2011

First Annual Spokane Braille Rally

On Saturday, June 11th, Inland Northwest Lighthouse (INL) will be kicking off the First Annual Spokane Braille Rally! Beginning at INL at 9:00am, the Spokane Braille Rally is a contest in which cars leave a starting point at a carefully recorded time, and traverse a route through the city of Spokane to a finish point. The rally will feature a navigator (blind or visually impaired person) who will provide navigation clues to a driver (vehicle operator). The pair completing the contest with the least amount of penalty points will be the winner!

During the rally, there will also be the Drive and Shine Car Show, held in the INL parking lot from 10:00am to 2:00pm. At the end of the event there will be a presentation of awards for the rally and the car show at 12:30pm at INL. There will be food, prizes, and fun for the whole family!

For more information on how you can participate, please visit

If you plan on joining us, RSVP if you can to

Thank you to our wonderful INL Advisory Council Members: Traci Anderson, Bonnie Bell, Joel Crosby, Craig Dias, Lori Elston, Jeremy Lewis, Jack McIlory, Don Morgan, David Troyke, Jennifer VanVleet, and Lorna Walsh.

Thank you to our generous Sponsors: Numerica Credit Union, Coffman Engineers, Hoyte Lewis & Associates, LLC., Haskins Steel Co., Inc., David Troyke, Western Peterbilt, Inc., U.S. Bank, BDO, Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc., Northern Quest Resort & Casino, Platinum Town Car, and The Pacific Northwest Inlander.